Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Congratulations on your Baby" gift

A friend of mine wanted to order some pink cake balls for a friend that found out she was execting a baby girl. This baby girl is very special because there was a chance of some heart problems, but she was cleared by the cardiologist- praise God!! So, my friend had the idea to order pink heart shaped cake balls as a Congratulations gift to her friend and this is what I did for her. A dozen heart shapes in 2 different colors of pink with a white drizzle. They are packaged in a silver tin lined with pink tissue and white paper shred and the tin is tied with pink tulle ribbon with a "congratulations" tag tied on. Do you have a friend that just had a baby or just found out the sex? I can do it in blue as well for boys or even half pink and half blue for boy/girl twins! (yep, seeing as I have them, can't leave that out!!). What a fun way to say congratulations! And yummy too!

1 comment:

  1. Stacy -- congratulations on this AMAZING venture!
    I can't wait until you figure out how to send these LOVELY items up to the frozen tundra of CT!
    Best of luck!

